30 oct 2017


1.- otra EF10MI2 igual modelo, sino 80502431.ef10mi2.7z
2.- USB drive >> 1G
3.- USB keyboard

Overall preparation

* Plug the USB drive, in the machine where file was downloaded.
* Format the usb drive in vfat, with "mkdosfs -F32 /dev/sd<X>"
* Untar all the files from 80502431.ef10mi2.7z and put directly in USBdrive
* unplug USB drive, now the USB drive are ready to boot from EFI shell

Overall conectivity:
Whatever will be the target machine, for backup EFIbios or restore EFIbios:
* USB drive must be in USB 2.0/1.0 port, not in 3.0 or high speed ports
* USB keyboard must be in any other, by example blue.

Overall process: Boot the EFI shell with the USB drive

* the power source cord must be unpluged.
* in main keyboard, hold Fn and R keys
* then plugin the power cord, without unhold the two keys
* the powerLED wil flashing, now can unhold the keys
* while LED are flashing can push the power button one time only
* the machine will boot the USB drive, this will take some time
* the EFI shell will appears, test if the USB keyboard are working

CASE A: backup the EFIbios EF10MI2 (v 0.26):

in the EFI shell type the command case-sensitive:
FPT64 -d bios-ef10mi2-026.bin -bios
this will backup the bios from the machine to the USBdrive.
one done, will show "FPT Operation Passed".
Next command must be "exit", not power off until input the exit command.
In that case the machine does not have any change, just take the settings to stored in the USB drive to use in the next case "B", restore EFIbios settings.

CASE B: restore the EFIbios EF10MI2 (v 0.26):

in the EFI shell type the command case-sensitive:
FPT64 -f bios-ef10mi2-026.bin -bios
this will put defaults settings in EFIbios from the USBdrive.
one done, will show "FPT Operation Passed".
Next command must be "exit", not power off until input the exit command.


Ambas maquinas deben tener la misma version de EFIbios, sino no funcionara y la pantalla seguira negra.

Recomendado pero no necesario tener la bateria activa, porque si la energia se pierde cuando se realiza el proceso, no servira mas

El modelo es especifico la version del bios v 0.26 EF10MI2 EFI con el logo 200 y la bandera cruzando, si no es este debe usar actualizaciones consecutivas desde EFIbios intel.

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